Monday, July 21, 2014

Mason's First Trip to the Dentist

We've been trying to convince Mason to get his teeth cleaned for what seems like forever. Our dentist encouraged us just to wait until he was ready. Recently he's seemed to be agreeable so we made an appointment and hoped for the best (while we expected the worst)! Today was the day and he was awesome! He walked right in and climbed in the chair for the cleaning. It's hard to say who was more proud, him or us!
Before the cleaning
Here we go...
 All done!
 His prize from the machine


  1. This must have been surprising! I don't know what happened to Mason, but its great that kids know that going to the dentist is rather important. Perhaps a friend of his told him an awesome dentist story, or that he wanted to impress everybody, including himself. Whatever the reason, I'm glad Mason had a memorable appointment. The good kind, that is!

    Leigh Hamilton @ Arbor Ridge Family Dental

  2. Good thing you waited until Mason was really ready to go on his first trip to the dentist. Convincing him to go when he isn't ready would've only made things more difficult. Now that he has fully recognized the process and importance of dental trips, he's more behaved and calm with the practice. Kudos to him for a positive report. Thanks for sharing! :)

    Eunice Greer @ Downtown Dental SC

  3. Way to go!!! Kids really need to be more cautious against any dental concerns. They must always keep on smiling.
    Dentist in Hamilton
