Just about one year ago our lives changed forever, and most definitely for the better. Mason was born and we were instantly changed. This past year has been filled with many firsts and overwhelming amounts of happiness and love. Being a parent to this wonderful little man is such a privilege. We are truly blessed. We look back and can't believe that he's a year old already. He's grown so much! A look back...
Right after birth
One month
Two months
Three months

Four months
Five months
Six months

Seven months
Eight months
Nine months

Ten months
Eleven months
and finally...ONE YEAR!!

Mason has officially "graduated" to whole milk and continues to explore new foods. Nuts are the only ones still off limits to him so he's having a blast trying new things. He'll sign to tell us "more" and says "all done" when he's done eating. He is still working on his lower molars (we hope they will cut through any day now) and has a total of 8 teeth. He continues to run all over the house with his walkers and has begun to climb up on the couch. He takes some steps on his own, but tends to realize that he can travel faster if he crawls so stops trying to walk. The doctor said that's typical and that he'll walk at his own pace so we nervously await that day. He now walks while only holding on to one of our fingers so it's only a matter of time.
He now weighs 24 pounds, is 30 1/4 inches long, and has a head circumference of 18 1/2 inches.
At the doctor's office
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