The day before Mason's birthday we left for a Disney cruise to the Bahamas. It was Mason's first airplane trip and I was nervous how he would do. Not only did we have to fly to Orlando, but then we had about a 45 minute bus ride to Port Canaveral to board the ship. He did a great job! All the older kids going to Disney World on the plane starting clapping when we landed so Mason did too!
Mason on a big chair

The night of Mason's birthday we had dinner at the Enchanted Garden. Our waitstaff brought out a little cake for him and sang, but he wasn't too sure what was going on.
At dinner

Happy Birthday
After dinner

Outside the Walt Disney Theater
So tired
We spent the next day at Castaway Cay, Disney's private island. It was so much fun! The weather was perfect too. Devin & I went parasailing while Mason spent some time on the beach with Auntie Erica and Grandma Monica. We all did some swimming in the ocean before lunch and then took Mason to the splash park. After all that swimming he took a nap on the beach while Erica, Devin & I went snorkeling. I think everyone had a blast here but we had to get back on the ship to get ready for the big pirate night!
Heading out to parasail
On our way up
Ocean dip
Playing in the sand with Auntie Erica

Time to swim!
off to the splash park
That night was "Pirate Night" aboard the ship. Dinner was at the Royal Palace that night and all guests were encouraged to dress up in pirate attire. There was a pirate party after dinner and another party with fireworks and more food later that night (Mason was already asleep).
Our little pirate before dinner
Pirate Party
At dinner
After dinner a photographer actually asked us to take some pictures of Mason. He was totally cheesing for the camera.

Waking up for our "day at sea"

Our last day was spent at sea enjoying all the activities on the boat. In the morning Mason won 2nd place in the ship's diaper dash. It was such a funny experience. People were crowded all around these babies screaming at them to crawl. I'll add the video later! The afternoon was spent at the Nemo's Reef splash pad as well as riding the Aqua Duck. We didn't have time to do half of what there was to offer. We definitely need to sail longer next time.
Diaper Dash
Our dasher after the race
Aqua Duck
Devin & I on the Aqua Duck
Erica & I on the Aqua Duck
Nemo's Reef
After dinner our last night
I think we were all sad to go home and can't wait to go back. This was a fantastic, although too short, vacation. Everyone had a great time!
Looking out the plane window on the way home