Mason just had his 15 month check-up and is doing great! The doctor said he is tall for his age and that his speech development is more advanced than it needs to be for his age and gender. He is continuing to get into more and more trouble as he climbs on bigger things! He no longer wants to sit in his highchair and has moved up to a booster seat at mealtime. He is getting easier to communicate with. He will tell you many things that he wants such as cheese, milk, fish, and "nana." If he doesn't know the word he relies on this and that. He is very interested in cars and announces whenever he sees one. He still loves to go bye bye and hates coming back inside. He now has all four of his first molars for a total of 12 teeth. He keeps us busy, but surprises us with something new everyday!
He now weighs 26 pounds 6 ounces, is 2 feet and 8 inches, and has a head circumference of 19 inches.
At the doctor (fascinated by the thermometer)

At 15 months