I can't believe our baby is already half way to his first birthday! Time sure does fly! Mason had his six month doctor visit and is doing well. His height/weight continues to trend at about the 75th percentile and his head circumference has now moved up to the 35th percentile. He's had a nasty cold for the past week or so, but he seems to be getting better. He continues to be a joy and is starting to do a good job of sitting up on his own. He has finally started napping twice a day, or so, but sometimes needs a little help settling down. He keeps trying new foods and seems to enjoy most of them. He giggles all the time and seems to really know the difference between strangers and his family. Overall, he's a very happy little guy.
He now weighs 18 pounds 5 ounces, is 27 1/2 inches long, and has a head circumference of 17 inches.
Some six month photos